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 "A people who relate to God, Together and to the World"

A warm welcome in Jesus' name to our website. As you take a look around at what we do and who we are we hope you will sense God's movement and presence among us as well as finding all that you need to know about GBC.


Our website does not fully capture who we are or indeed who we strive to be for God & what you see and read on this site is but a pale reflection of the fellowship who gather for worship and live out their faith in this local community. Perhaps your visit to our webpages is the first step towards a new chapter in your journey of faith...if so we do hope that you might be able to make the transition from surfing to coming and meeting us in the flesh and discover as many have a family who relate to God, Together and to the World.


Here at GBC you will not find perfect people - I know this will not come as too much of a shock to you - what you will find are sinners who have received forgiveness, you will find real people who live real lives and at times make real mistakes.


It is our desire that GBC will be a place where you can come and know that your deepest needs will be addressed in the context of a relationship with God. We trust that you will find answers to life that are real, along with friendships to sustain you along the way.


It is my prayer that GBC will be a place where people are encouraged to take a leap of faith into the extraordinary life that God's Word promises us and journey with us as we seek to serve God - so why not jump in and join us along the way....

Marcus Dickinson    Pastor







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