Weds 9th Jan 9.30am Connect Coffee and Walk 10.00am from Calderwood, Mark way-Contact
Sally Pollard-01483-428646 by Sunday 6th January if able to come
Tuesday 15th Jan-Connect
Visit to Watts Gallery Meet in the car park at Watts gallery at 10.30am. please contact
Rosie Caie by sunday 13th Jan if coming-
Sat 19th Jan-Coffee Stop cafe
Connect Healthy
Breakfast (for men too!!) 11.00am-12.00 noon Come and hear about eating healthily
led by Edline Chiota. please let Edline know by sun 13th Jan
Thursday 24th Jan-7.30-8.30-Keep
Fit with Anne Stone Cost- £4 towards the Rainbow House Orphanage, kenya. Please contact
Anne Dew -01483-428931 BY Sunday 20th Jan
Advance Date-Thursday 31st January 7.30pm. Revd Martin Poole is coming to share about
the work of CAP-Christians Against Poverty-a free counselling and support service
for those in debt. This is such a huge problem especially after the Christmas period.
Please spread the word and come and also invite others to join us. Please let Sally
know by Sun 27th Jan if you are able to come.